A Guide to Achieving Your Goals: The Rest of the Story

Welcome back from a wonderful Christmas! I hope your was as great s ours with family, food, presents - what else could you ask for?! It's time to start gearing up for our next holiday, NEW YEARS! So think about it, what would you REALLY ask for if you could have & achieve anything in 2018???

Last week we talked about how to set goals in a way that will help you actually achieve them. Today, we're talking about the rest of the story. How to stick with your goals throughout the year so they don't become just another forgotten New Years Resolution.

Keep it before your eyes daily

There are typically 4 ways people handle their goals.

  1. They don't even have goals
  2. They have goals but don't have them written down
  3. They have their goals written but don't look at them
  4. They look at &/or write their goals daily

Can you guess which of these methods is used by the most successful people? Of course! Those that wrote their goals daily! Why is this? If you have goals but never look at them, then it's just wishful thinking. You're not putting action or mindfulness into achieving your goals, you just somehow hope that they magically happen.

Using your subconscious to achieve your goals

When you write you goals daily though, you are telling your subconscious that this is important to you & you are committed to making it happen. That action does an amazing thing! Suddenly your subconscious begins looking for solutions to make your goals come true.

Have you ever forgotten a person's name and no matter how hard you think, you just can't pull it out? But as soon as you stop thinking about it, the answer pops in your head?! That's because your subconscious was still working on finding the answer! So let's apply that to getting the life you want! 

Seeing is believing

The other reason it's so important to write your goals daily is because in the midst of the battle, it's easy to become disheartened. If you want to lose 50 lbs in the next 12 months (15 lbs in the next 90 days - remember we're achieving your goals in 90 day increments!) you'll likely find yourself wavering when your weight loss plateaus. So what do you do when week 3 hits and you've only lost 2 lbs - most people start throwing in the towel, thinking that it'll be impossible to lose 50 lbs in a year.

But not you! Why? Because you're looking at & writing your goals daily! If you've written your goals how we described in my Guide to Achieving Your Goals, then they worded as if it's already happened.

I am 15 lbs lighter (instead of saying I will lose 15 lbs)

So if you're writing daily "I am 15 lbs lighter and in the best shape of my life", you are training your brain to believe you've already lost those 15 lbs in 90 days.

There is constant battle going on in your mind over what is reality. And frankly, your brain doesn't know the difference between your current reality and imagined reality. Don't believe me? Just think back to the last movie you watched - if it was a drama, did you cry because you felt the pain the actor was going through? If it was a thriller, did your heart race as your adrenaline rushed trying to get away from the bad guy? These examples show that our brain will have a reaction to an imaginary situation because it doesn't know the difference!

So when we apply that to our goals and write daily that we've already achieved the goal, our brain eventually begins to believe it! As you write your goals DAILY, imagine yourself as the person who's already achieved it. What would you look like? How would you feel? How would your actions be different? These are all key in training your brain and achieving your goals!

Take it to the next level

So know that you're on board with WRITING your goals DAILY, let's take it to the next level. If you know how writing your goals daily dramatically increases your likelihood of achieving your goals, what would happen if you wrote your goals TWICE a day?! That's right folks! If you're up for the challenge and want to achieve your goals even faster, write your 90-day goals twice a day!

And remember that list from reverse engineering your goals? Make sure that every day you are tackling at least one item from each goal's list. And that is how you spell success!

Get Personal Coaching for achieving your goals

If you liked what you learned in this guide to achieving your goals, I am also doing 1-on-1 coaching sessions on implementing these steps and helping you stay accountable to achieving your goals. If you are interested in joining, sign up below to get your name on the list and receive all the details when the personal coaching sessions open.

Have an amazing New Year's celebration and I'll see you in 2018!



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