What's a momprenuer to do when another day of school is cancelled? Invite the kids to join in with cooking!
The weather this year has been c-r-a-z-y lately! Which had led to school to be cancelled, early outs, late starts. Honestly we haven't had a full week of school since before Christmas break and we're well into February!
If you are a work from home mom, building a business, or even working at a job, you know that routines are what make our daily life possible. You have found a way to fit in work for your home business or career while still being a mom.
But what happens when life turns things upside down and your routine is thrown off day after day? In the short term, you just need to take a deep breath and offer it up to God. Trust that as you focus on your kids, He'll focus on your business.
If you're making supper, allow them to help! It may take longer but if you're focused on interacting with them while you cook, they'll feel like your giving them the attention they crave! If you're folding clothes, tell them make believe stories at the same time! If you're vacuuming, let them help! I bought this new vacuum at the beginning of the year and it is so light & easy to use that everyone from my 7 year old to my 2 year old twins help vacuum! It may not be perfect but this is about interacting with your kids, not perfect housecleaning!
Now if your short term change in routine seems to be continuing on unexpectedly, then it's time to switch up your routine! This is what I had to do. I found that I could not work on my business at nap time, since I was no longer alone during nap time when school was let out early or cancelled. And on the few days that the kids did have a full day of school, I was cleaning up from the snow day or late start messes!
So I had to make the decision to get up early in the morning to tackle my business. It was a hard decision because I am not a morning person but this was the best thing I could do for my business and my kids!
I knocked out my work fast and was ready to play when my kids woke up!
So for today, find a way to include your kids in what you're doing so you can be productive and give them attention at the same time. That can mean allowing them to help cook. Letting them help make your bed. Telling stories while you fold the laundry. Give them you're undivided attention with your mind while you're body is doing what is necessary to be productive.
Happy parenting!
P.S. If you feel like you're spinning your wheels in your parenting, then take a look at Mom Mastery University! As a mentor, I help women like you and me learn how to let go over overwhelm and learn to enjoy motherhood! Click here to check out the information video that explain what exactly Mom Mastery University is and how it can help all areas of your life. Or send me an email to talk more about how I can help you succeed in motherhood.
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