Remove Soap Scum From Shower


Do you cringe at the thought of soap scum? We remodeled our bathroom 6 years ago & put in a new glass shower door. 6 years later & it still looks brand new! Want to know our secret? It only takes 2 minutes to keep it clean & move the soap scum (and no, I'm not cleaning it daily!) 

Find out my go to cleaning tools to stop soap scum & my #1 must have when battling a build up of soap scum. 


The products mentioned in this video can be found at  (Get extra cleaning tips when using the party code “Online”)

1) Norwex Bathroom Scrub Mitt (microfiber & nylon for cutting through soap scum)

2) Norwex Window Cloth (microfiber for windows, glass, & polishing)

3) Norwex Bathroom Cleaner (multipurpose bathroom cleaner free from harsh chemicals)




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How to Wake Up Feeling Refreshed (WITHOUT COFFEE)

How many times have you wondered how to wake up early and not feel tired anymore? Or how to wake up at 6am? Is it different for a morning person vs a night owl?

In this video I am sharing how I went from being a night owl who struggled with how to wake up and stay up, to someone who has motivation to get up early. And beyond giving you a little waking up early motivation, I am also sharing my experience of how to wake up naturally. Yup, that means I use these tips to wake up energized without drinking coffee!

Remember, you’re not the only one who needs to get out of bed on time so make sure to share this video with your friends! They'll be forever grateful! :)

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