Is Black Friday worth it?

I am not a big fan of going out on Black Friday. Why you ask? Crowded stores, rude customers fighting for the last item, insanely early mornings...(or should I say crazy late nights?). No thank you! I'll take my chances by shopping early, shopping online Black Friday deals, waiting for Cyber Monday, or waiting for those last minute Christmas sales.

Beware of low quality items during Black Friday

Did I mention that a lot of times the items for sale on Black Friday are usually sub-par items? TVs that you wouldn't normally consider because of its technology or low reviews all the sudden become the rage when they are on sale for Black Friday. Do yourself a favor and whatever the product is, research it before going out to buy it!


Say that heading in your best Cookie Monster voice, lol!

But what if you're the type that loves the thrill of the shopping on Black Friday? And the temptation of a potentially amazing deal is simply more than you can bare? Then by...

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