What's a momprenuer to do when another day of school is cancelled? Invite the kids to join in with cooking!
The weather this year has been c-r-a-z-y lately! Which had led to school to be cancelled, early outs, late starts. Honestly we haven't had a full week of school since before Christmas break and we're well into February!
If you are a work from home mom, building a business, or even working at a job, you know that routines are what make our daily life possible. You have found a way to fit in work for your home business or career while still being a mom.
But what happens when life turns things upside down and your routine is thrown off day after day? In the short term, you just need to take a deep breath and offer it up to God. Trust that as you focus on your kids, He'll focus on your business.
If you're making supper, allow...
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