How to Give Your Kids Attention When You Have Things to Do

What's a momprenuer to do when another day of school is cancelled? Invite the kids to join in with cooking!

It's hard to decide that business will be for a later time but as moms we've got to know our priorities.

The weather this year has been c-r-a-z-y lately! Which had led to school to be cancelled, early outs, late starts. Honestly we haven't had a full week of school since before Christmas break and we're well into February!

If you are a work from home mom, building a business, or even working at a job, you know that routines are what make our daily life possible. You have found a way to fit in work for your home business or career while still being a mom.

But what happens when life turns things upside down and your routine is thrown off day after day? In the short term, you just need to take a deep breath and offer it up to God. Trust that as you focus on your kids, He'll focus on your business.

Learn to include your kids in what you're doing.

If you're making supper, allow...

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