Exclusive Savings are Waiting for You


I absolutely hate missing out on a sale! I mean, come on, I’m a mom! Save money when spending money? YES PLEASE!

Okay I have to share this story with you. I could just kick myself! Uh, okay. So the other day I was shopping online, and you know there's no amount of money you could pay me to go clothes shopping with twin toddlers!

So I try to do all my shopping online but this particular day I was really, really focused on trying to get my order up high enough so that I could get the free shipping. Because we're moms, we want to save every penny that we can and never want to overspend when it's not necessary. So we're always up for a good deal, right?

So I got my order up high enough so that I could get the free shipping and place my order. Everything was fine and dandy until I realized that there was a coupon out there for 30 percent off my order. I could have just kicked myself!

Imagine the amount of clothes that I could have gotten with that extra 30 percent off! It's just a...

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We have one life to live, how are you spending it?

When you sit back and think of your life, is it filled with saying "not now" or is it filled with saying "sure, why not"? Today I listened to an amazing coaching call in Mom Mastery University that talked about the 17 Habits of a Highly Effective Mom. Do you know what one of those habits is? Saying yes to experiencing life.

At first I was confused on why this would be an important habit but as we delved deeper into the meaning I realized that this habit is about living life to the fullest rather than living it to go to a job, keep a clean house, make meals, get your kids to their appointments/obligations, & make sure homework is done.

I always used to tell my husband that I didn't think God created us just to spend our life working at a job all day long. After quitting my job when the twins were born so I could be a stay at home mom, I thought - I'm now spending my days at a "job" I've always dreamed of having. But after today's coaching call I'm looking at what I do day in and...

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Unlock the secret to achieving unbelievable goals

We're almost through our first month of 2018! Can you believe it?! Have you given up on your goals or are you still believing in them? Are you making the kind of headway you were hoping for? There is an important aspect of goal setting that so many people don't know or don't really understand.

Your faith and actions have to be aligned!

There are two parts to this statement. First, if you have faith but don't take action then you'll never hit your goals. On the other hand, if you take action but don't believe in the goal you want, you'll self sabotage yourself (sometimes even after hitting your goal). The first part is pretty easy to understand so we'll focus on the latter.

If you want to be wealthy but in your heart of hearts you don't believe you're the type of person that deserves to be wealthy, then you'll hit a glass ceiling in achieving your goals. On the conscious level we know what we want but on the subconscious level we're telling ourselves that we aren't really that type...

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Get Immediate Results On Achieving Your Goals

We're already halfway through January of the new year. Did you know that you should already be seeing some significant progress on your achieving your goals? But what if you don't see any concrete evidence that you're getting closer to making your goals a reality? Don't worry! That's why I'm here! And there's still plenty of time to jump start your progress. So let's take a look at why you're not making progress yet on your goals.

Your goals are simply wishes

There's a fine line between goal setting and wishful thinking. Wishful thinking are goals that you set but just wait for them to happen on their own. Some believe that the law of attraction will make your goals happen. Meaning that since you know what you want, you will start attracting it into your life. But as the Bible says "Faith without works is dead" James 2:14-26. To turn your wishful thinking into goals, you MUST TAKE ACTION.

Do you remember when we went through the Guide to Achieving Your Goals - we reverse engineered...

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Setting Goals with Your Spouse


As we begin this new year, goal setting (or New Years Resolutions) are on most people's mind. Now that you know HOW to set goals from our previous posts on a Guide to Achieving Your Goals, let's talk about ways to give your goals extra traction.

Bring God into the Equation

If you've ever felt that your dreams were impossible, it's because you're trying to accomplish them on your own. God WANTS us to dream impossible dreams! So we can learn to lean on Him and He can make an example of us on what blessings He has in store for us. Matthew 19:26 says "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Believing in the impossible is hard though, that's why we write our goals daily and keep them before our eyes, posting them where we will see and read them throughout the day. This allows our subconscious to squash disbelief and skepticism because it's focusing on where we're headed instead of our current situation.

Including Your Spouse in Goal Setting

Now that we...

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A Guide to Achieving Your Goals: The Rest of the Story

Welcome back from a wonderful Christmas! I hope your was as great s ours with family, food, presents - what else could you ask for?! It's time to start gearing up for our next holiday, NEW YEARS! So think about it, what would you REALLY ask for if you could have & achieve anything in 2018???

Last week we talked about how to set goals in a way that will help you actually achieve them. Today, we're talking about the rest of the story. How to stick with your goals throughout the year so they don't become just another forgotten New Years Resolution.

Keep it before your eyes daily

There are typically 4 ways people handle their goals.

  1. They don't even have goals
  2. They have goals but don't have them written down
  3. They have their goals written but don't look at them
  4. They look at &/or write their goals daily

Can you guess which of these methods is used by the most successful people? Of course! Those that wrote their goals daily! Why is this? If you have goals but never look at them,...

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A Guide to Achieving Your Goals

Christmas is right around the corner! Are you ready?! We're less than a week away so I hope your gifts are wrapped, decorations are up, and grocery shopping is done! But even more exciting is the start of a new year! Have you ever wished that the upcoming year was your best year ever? Or looked back on your current year and been disappointed that it didn't bring you more accomplishments or joy? Well that's about to change! We are going to do the work right now to make 2018 your best year ever!

Goal Setting Done Right

Goals are more than a New Years Resolution. In fact, the majority of those resolutions are forgotten in just a few short weeks. But there is a way to guarantee you'll achieve your goals this year! So how?

1. Evaluate your values

Take a moment to think about the main areas of your life and give it a rating from 0-10 on how happy you are with your current situation.

  • Finances
  • Spouse / Significant Other
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Home
  • Career
  • Physical Health
  • Emotional Health...
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Final preparations for the holidays

With only 2 weeks left till Christmas, most people are scrambling around finishing last minute details (myself included this year!) The bad thing about scrambling like this is that it unavoidably leads to impulse buys. Typically these buys are things we need (last minute gifts, decorations, party necessities, etc.) but the problem is that we are letting our spending go wild. It's fun to spend money! And the holidays are prime time to spend left and right. But why is this such a problem?

Your training your brain that it's ok to spend without thinking

If you've noticed, I talk a lot about thinking through your purchases & spending with a plan rather than on impulse. The allure to spend money is so tempting that in order to keep you eyes focused on your financial goal(s), we must have a plan any time we make a purchase. If you don't, you run the risk of feeding your instant gratification and impulses and failing to rein it back in.

Right now in your life, you have a financial goal...

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Making every dollar count goes further than the items you place in your shopping cart

You've heard me talk a lot about taking your time whenever you spend your money. I mean, no matter how small the amount is, think it through before you shell out the dough! You may think that running through the drive thru for an impromptu half-priced slushy, is no big deal (I mean it's only a couple bucks). But in reality, those few dollars ARE a big deal. Why?

When you make purchases that are purely based on satisfying your current desire, without any forethought, you are telling your brain that you spend frivolously. Think of this in terms of the food you eat. If you eat a cookie every day, your brain begins to change how it sees that cookie. It is no longer an occasional junk food, it is now a necessity. You taste buds change, and when you're hungry, you start thinking - what's one more cookie? Day by day your brain becomes more accustomed to junk food and then unhealthy eating is your norm. Well the same is true for spending. When you spend without thinking regularly, your...

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Gear up for 2018 with free personal coaching

December is almost here and we're getting ready to head into a brand new year. Let's make 2018 your best-year-ever!!!! From a financial standpoint, let's take a moment to envision New Year's Eve 2018.

Write Your Vision and Make It Plain As Day

We're going deep here: close your eyes, take a deep breath, picture yourself standing at your New Year's Eve celebration. Where are you? Who are you talking to? What is the weather like outside? What are you eating? What are you drinking? Feel the glass in your hand, the food in your mouth. Who are you talking to?

Now, the person you're talking to asks you how your year was. You answer, "2018 was the best year ever! Because...."

How would you finish that sentence? Be specific. The more details, the better! Would it be because of time spent with your kids? Memories from your travels? Making a record income with your home business? Were you able to quit your job to become a stay at home mom? Or finished your degree? Whatever it is, write it...

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